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Pioneering Water Quality Assessment

Parul University's Groundbreaking Project


Pioneering Water Quality Assessment

Parul University's Groundbreaking Project JANUARY 2024

In a significant stride towards understanding and improving public health, Parul University has recently received a substantial sanction of approximately 1.5 crores from the Indian Council of Medical Research. This funding is for a state level project focused on the "Assessment of Water Quality of Ground & River Water and Identification of Causative Microorganisms Causing Waterborne Diseases and Epidemiological Studies in the State of Gujarat." The project's implications are immense, potentially revolutionizing how we understand and tackle waterborne diseases in the region.

A Visionary at the Helm
At the forefront of this ambitious project is Prof. M.H. Fulekar, a Senior Professor at Parul University and the Joint Director of CR4D. With years of experience and a multitude of accolades under his belt, Prof. Fulekar is a beacon of knowledge and leadership in environmental research. His expertise is not just a testament to the quality of education and research at Parul University but also a promise of the groundbreaking work to come from this project.

Understanding the Project
The project is not just another academic endeavor, it's a three-year commitment to unravel the complexities of waterborne diseases and the quality of water in Gujarat. It's a journey into understanding the invisible enemies lurking in our water sources the microorganisms causing diseases that plague communities and hinder development. By identifying these pathogens and understanding their behavior and epidemiology, the project aims to lay down a roadmap for better health and hygiene practices in the region.

Key objectives

1.Water Quality Assessment
2. Identification of Causative Microorganisms
3. Epidemiological Studies

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Here's a closer look at its key objectives
1. Water Quality Assessment
Imagine a world where every drop of water is not just safe but pristine. Parul University, through the visionary leadership of Professor M.H. Fulekar, in collaboration with the ICMR is dedicated to making that vision a reality. The project entails an exhaustive evaluation of water quality in both ground and river sources across Gujarat. It's not just about checking for contaminants, it's about ensuring the highest standards of water purity.

2. Identification of Causative Microorganisms
Ever wondered what lurks beneath the surface of seemingly innocent water sources? Professor M.H. Fulekar and his team at Parul University aim to unveil the specific microorganisms responsible for waterborne diseases that plague the state. By identifying these culprits, we can develop precise strategies to safeguard public health.

3. Epidemiological Studies
Epidemiological studies are the heart of understanding and combating waterborne diseases. These studies, led by Professor M.H. Fulekar will help us pinpoint where and why waterborne diseases strike, empowering us to prevent future outbreaks.

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Gujarat, like many parts of India is no stranger to the challenges posed by waterborne diseases. From cholera to typhoid, the state has seen its share of health crises emanating from compromised water sources. The significance of this 3-year project cannot be overstated. Clean water is not a luxury, it's a fundamental human right. Parul University's leadership, under the guidance of Professor M.H. Fulekar in this initiative holds the promise of several transformative outcomes:

Disease Prevention
Picture a future where waterborne diseases are rare occurrences. Through the identification and eradication of their causes, led by Professor M.H. Fulekar, we can significantly reduce their prevalence. This translates to healthier lives and less strain on our healthcare system.

Enhanced Water Management
Clean water doesn't happen by chance, it's the result of meticulous management. The data and insights gained from this project will shape policies and practices to ensure that our water sources remain pristine. It's about securing a sustainable future for Gujarat.

- Scientific Breakthroughs
Every discovery made in this 3-year project, under the guidance of Professor M.H. Fulekar, contributes to our understanding of water quality and disease prevention. These breakthroughs extend beyond Gujarat's borders, they become beacons of hope for regions facing similar challenges.

- A Multifaceted Approach
The project's approach is as comprehensive as its goals. It's not just about identifying the microorganisms but also understanding their distribution, their impact on public health and the socio-economic factors contributing to the proliferation of waterborne diseases. This multi layered analysis is crucial in not just understanding the problem but also in formulating effective and sustainable solutions.

- The Power of Collaboration
The sanction by the Indian Council of Medical Research is not just a funding boost but a testament to the collaborative spirit of scientific research. It's a recognition of the potential impact this project can have and the trust in Parul University's capability to deliver results. This collaboration is a model for how academic institutions, government bodies and communities can come together to address public health challenges.

Implications for Public Health
The implications of this project are far-reaching. By understanding the causative agents of waterborne diseases, the project will directly contribute to improving public health policies and interventions. It could lead to better water management practices, more informed public health advisories and ultimately a reduction in the incidence of these diseases. The ripple effect of this research could be seen in improved public health, economic savings and a higher quality of life for the people of Gujarat.

Educational and Research Opportunities
For the students and researchers at Parul University, this project is not just a chance to be part of groundbreaking research but also an opportunity to learn and grow. It's an educational journey that will prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of working in public health and environmental research. The project will undoubtedly foster a culture of inquiry, innovation and collaboration, setting a new standard for academic excellence at the university.

Looking Ahead
As the project unfolds over the next three years, it will be a period of intense learning, discovery and action. The team at Parul University led by Prof. Fulekar, will be at the frontier of understanding waterborne diseases in Gujarat. But beyond the immediate scope of the project, it's a stepping stone towards a future where access to clean water is not just a goal but a reality.


The sanction of 1.5 crores for Parul University's state-level project by the Indian Council of Medical Research is a monumental moment not just for the university but for the state of Gujarat and the field of public health. It's a commitment to understanding and solving one of the most pressing challenges of our time. As the project progresses, it will undoubtedly shed light on the complexities of waterborne diseases and pave the way for a healthier future. With Prof. M.H. Fulekar at the helm, the journey ahead is not just promising but transformative, setting a new era for scientific research and public health in India.